Hotel telephone: 977-61-460380
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Pokhara valley extends, in the 'Oriental Realm', between the north parallels of 250 7’ and 280 10' and east meridians of 83050' and 84050'. Situated in the mountainous region of the southern Himalayas and trapped between the higher Himalayas in the north and Mahabharat range in the south, it occupies central position in the country. It valley spreads mainly over Kaski district and covers small portions of Tanahun and Syangja district from Pokhara, Tibetan border to the north is 72 kilometers and Indian border to the south is 78 kilometers. Within a small area the elevation ranges nearly from 500 meters to 3,000 meters in the Pokhara valley.
Based on the administrative division on hierarchical order Pokhara lies in Western Development Region, Gandaki Zone and Kaski District. The valley includes Pokhara Sub‑Metropolitan City', Lekhnath Municipality, and some other Village Development Committees. The city is located in the central part of the valley.