On the runway of the Syangboche aerodrome, our speciallly prepared Pilatus Porter P6 Turbine aircraft will be fuelled and ready for action. This aircraft simply didn't exist in Nepal before Nigel Gifford's historic first skydive expedition in 2008.
Piloting the aircraft will be a member of the Swiss Boogie team - the world's leading authority on mountain-based skydiving. Once you have suited up in your custom rig, designed by the world's leading adventure engineer, Andy Elson, you will take your place in the aircraft for take-off.
After 50 minutes, you will be soaring at an altitude of 29,000ft. The words ‘Standby’ follwed by ‘Exit’ mark the start of the adrenalin rush and the sensory overload of a lifetime.
From the same height as the very top of Mount Everest and from just a few miles away, you will have a view of this majestic peak that very few have ever been privileged to see. This is a 30 second free-fall with nothing but air between you and Everest.
Every moment of your Everest Skydive will be captured on camera - an incredible piece of film that will keep the memories alive forever.
As your canopy opens, the true euphoria of the jump will hit you. This is when you will be able to fully soak-up the vista in front of you: 100 panoramic miles of the most awe-inspiring mountains on the planet... looking out over Nepal, India and Tibet... at 140 miles per hour...
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