Nearly 35 species of mammals are found in Pokhara valley. The mammals are commonly found in the forests around Pokhara but occasionally seen due to lower population and their shy nature as compared to avifauna. Hence patience is required to watch these mammals. The best places to observe these mammals are the forests near Fewa lake, Begnas lake, Rupa lake and Banpale Hill (Forest of Insitute of Forestry, Pokhara Campus). Some major species are:
S.No. Name Zoological Name Family
1. Common leopard Panthera pardus Felidae
2. Jungle cat Felis chaus Felidae
3. Crab-eating Mongoose Herpestus urva Herpestidae
4. Masked palm civet Paguma larvata Viverridae
5. Indian crested porcupine Hystrix indica Hystricidae
6. Golden jackal Canis aureus Canidae
7. Barking deer Muntiacus muntjak Cervidae
8. Common otter Lutra lutra Mustelidae
9. Asiatic lack bear Selenarctos thbetanus Ursidae
10. Indian pangolin Manis crassicaudata Manidae
11. Assamese monkey Macaca assamensis Cercopithecidae
12. Bengal fox Vulpus bengalensis Canidae
13. Leopard cat Felis bengalensis Felidae
14. Clouded leopard Neofelis nebulosa Felidae
15. Small Asian mongoose Herpestus javanicus Herpestidae
16. Indian grey mongoose Herpestus edwardissii Herpestidae
17. Indian hare Lepus nigricollis Leporidae
18 Bush rat Golunda ellioti Muridae
19. Himalayan yellow throated marten Martex flavigula Mustelidae
20. Greater woolly Horseshoe bat Rhinoloplus luctus Rhonilophidae
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