Thakalis are the original inhabitant of Thak Khola, a high valley of Kali Gandaki in Mustang district northeast of Pokhara. The traditional areas of the true Thakali is known as Thak-Satsaya or seven hundred Thak but nowadays they have increased in number and have spread much further. Thakalis have regular feature of Mongolian with round face, flat nose, high cheekbones, narrow eyes and yellow skin pigments. They speak their own language which belongs to the Tibeto-Burmese family.
Previously the profession of the Thakali was salt trade form tibet. But nowadays they are involved in different business in the major cities of Nepal and have proved themselves to be successful entrepreneurs.
Thakali marriage custom is distinctive. They practice cross-cousin marriage of both maternal and parental lineage. The traditional marriage system is very interesting. The friends and close relatives of the boy set out for evening walk and capture the girl to be married. Then she is kept under the strict guardianship until her parents agree. But their traditions are rapidly changing and many Thakalis do not prefer traditional marriage.
The most significant festival is "Ihafeva" which is observed in November of every monkey year of the twelve year cycle according the Tibetan calendar. Many Thak people are attracted By Pokhara but Thak Khola is still considered the homeland of Thakalis. There are fewer Thakalis in Pokhara in comparison to others but their influence in trade and business is high.
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